The Iraqi government has extended the submission bid deadline for the 70,000 bbl/d refinery project in Diwaniya (south of Bagdad, Iraq) from 31 July 2018 to 30 October 2018. The refinery is a key project for the country and its construction fits into the framework of a broader strategy, according to which the government aims at increasing the country's domestic refining capacity to more than 1.4 mb/d.
Diwaniya and other projects will contribute to it, including in particular: Maysan (150,000 bbl/d), Kirkuk (150,000 bbl/d), Karbala (140,000 bbl/d) and Bazian (46,000 bbl/d). In May 2018, the government also signed an agreement with two Chinese companies, PowerChina and Norinco International, for the construction of the 300,000 bbl/d Al Faw (also spelled Fao) refinery at the Faw port in the Basrah region.
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