Enerdata releases the report on energy efficiency policies. (world level)

 Enerdata has prepared  for the WEC Secretariat a report on energy efficiency policy at world level within a project chaired by ADEME and available on the WEC web site.
The report evaluates energy efficiency trends and policies at world level. A selection of indicators are analysed and compared in this report . 
The report also describes energy efficiency policies carried out in a large sample of 85 countries throughout the world, either through a survey that was carried out in about 50 countries or through literature review for the remaining countries. This survey was completed with detailed case studies focused on four policy measures, prepared by selected experts: innovative financing schemes in building, measures to accelerate the penetration of efficient air conditioners and their efficient use, smart billing and measures to improve the efficiency of road transport of freight. Beyond a review of energy efficiency measures already implemented, this evaluation aimed to pinpoint the most interesting experiences and draw some conclusions on advantages and drawbacks of different policies. The study is concluded by 8 main recommendations: energy prices should reflect real costs and give more incentive signals to consumers; consumers should be better informed; innovative financing tools should be implemented to support consumers investments ; the quality of energy efficient equipment and services should be controlled; regulations should be enforced and  regularly strengthened; behaviours should be addressed as much as technologies, relying on ICTs; monitoring achievements is necessary to check the real impact of  energy efficiency policies; finally, international and regional cooperation should be enhanced. 

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